Here are my remedies to get you off the couch:
1. Reduce your intake of dairy products.
Dairy products can cause more phlegm formation in the body. So take inventory of how much you are eating. Try to reduce your intake and see how you feel.
2. Reduce your exposure to mold and dust.
Dust mites can cause allergy reactions. Cover your bed mattress to reduce exposure to dust mites. Vacuum and dust often.
3. Receive Bowen Therapy.
Bowen Therapy is a very effective therapy to help the body reduce it's reactions to seasonal allergies. Most clients even report having no further problems with spring and fall allergies. Bowen Therapy restores function to the body so that a healing response is initiated. It reduces muscle tension, relieves pain and reduces inflammation. You can learn more at www.bowenhealingcenter.com
Jacqueline Kane
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