Sunday, November 30, 2014

Step One: Eliminating the Energy Drains - Their's and Your's

You know it is time for your next dream when you start feeling restless where you are.

It’s time to either expand or move beyond your current dream when life becomes a series of rote activities and your passion and purpose appear lost. You have simply outgrown your current state of existence and now the price of growth is, as  always, change and a willingness to jump off the next cliff, no matter how frightening or unsettling.

Wonderfully, discovering your next dream can fill you with a great sense of clarity, freedom, fluidity and joy. You know you're there because your energy reflects it. Sharing that however, in proclaiming your newly realized dream to friends and family, without a doubt, will inevitably mean someone or some ones will “know” even before you begin that the dream is impossible, unrealistic, or filled with flawed thinking. Someone knows someone who tried it and it failed. At best, those folks will just knock the winds out of your sails yet sadly at times they can cause you to rethink, doubt, and abandon what just moments ago felt like a fantastic next step.

Anticipate that those who rarely allow themselves to dream, even with good intent, may want to protect you from dreaming and what they perceive to be the inevitable failure. (Thus the reason they don’t allow themselves to dream.) When those who are fear-filled, or apathetic in life dispense their “wisdom” look back into your life and instead of playing your own tapes of inadequacy, unpreparedness, limitedness, and so forth, literally make a list of every dream you have had so far, every wish you have lived, and realize that once you have achieved a dream, you know what to do for the next. Once you have trusted you and won, the next dream is just a few known steps away.

Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD, is a motivational speaker, author, coach, and psychotherapist who has spent her career helping others, through humor and faith, claim their dreams, eliminate self-sabotage, and become everything they were meant to be.

She can be reached at:   860-543-5629   

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