Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Help others and make sure you care for yourself first.

Yes I am a licensed caregiver 

I really respect people that work hard for their money. 

People that work hard physically, mentally, and emotionally just to serve others.

I want you to think about the nurses you meet, your UPS delivery man, line cooks, stylist and even your garbage man.

What are the commonalities? 

They all  hustle, work on their feet, serve others, and this all happens without a please or thank-you.

These professionals work  hard for others and forget to care for themselves.

I worked those jobs... I know the personal cost. 

When you care for others the most important person is to care for is yourself.

Yet it is so easy to forget ourselves. I worked in the kitchen. I worked in health care. And I traveled to fix other people computers, and now I work with individuals with developmental disabilities while I coach others.  

The emotional gratification of aiding someone is huge and things like eating and sleep does not offer the same gratification. This is why I returned to health care. We feed off the gratification of helping others and over time we become deficient in self love, sleep, and nutrients.  It is not surprising that many doctors and nurses still smoke despite knowing the risks  

Even now after 20 years of caring for others I too must stop and remember when I am caring for myself I enable myself to care for others.

What makes me different and how can I help you?

My experience serving others taught me the cost of not caring for myself. 

I learned that I ate poorly, smoked more, and spent way to much time in bar. If I had not totaled my car 8 years ago and woke up in the ER in 2006  I might not of ever changed my ways. 

Totaled my car in 2006
Totaled my car in 2006 

I discovered in order to be healthy I had to be happy. Investing time caring to myself allowed me to help more people. 

At the same time I spent less time in bars, and lost weight. 

The practical experience being sick and then turning your life around is not taught in school.

I needed to live it myself.

It was how learn of the smoking habits and drinking habits of health care workers/

Experienced the cost of  "bar therapy" just to recover from work.

And learn that it is always a bad idea to eat when you're hungry.

Do want practical advice on how to become healthy?

Then visit me at Michael Eger - Health Coach I will teach you everything I learned from over 20 years of self experimentation and will build a system for a new healthy and happy lifestyle.

When you visit my site please mention one of the many typos in this blog post.  I will thank you with a complimentary hour of phone coaching.  

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