Is it possible anyone ever felt that way about your
company’s customer service?
According to current statistics, for every one customer who complains to you, 26 won’t tell you they are unhappy--but they
will tell nine to fifteen other people.
And a scary 13% of them will tell 20 or more people. Picture them in the middle
of town…with a bullhorn made out of your hide.
let this happen to you!
Now picture yourself enjoying a successful business,
secure in the knowledge that your staff is using their well-honed Emotional
Intelligence skills to deliver sparkling customer care to your constituents.
Emotional Intelligence--also known as soft skills, or people
skills—makes the difference in any arena between going through the motions and
delivering an authentic, warm experience. As the principal of JZN Associates, my specialty, my
passion, is helping individuals put their Emotional Intelligence to practical
use in their careers and in their personal lives. I am available to agencies,
organizations, and corporations. My experience is in recruiting, hiring,
training, managing and motivating across a variety of industries, in both the
non-profit and for profit worlds.
my blog for Pearls of Wisdom on such topics as
CustomerCentric Mindset
Employee Retention
From Disgruntled Customer to Biggest Fan…And
much more…….
Great topic Jeannie! I totally agree on how important emotional intelligence in how how we function as human beings. Well done!