Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I know what you want. My aim in the coming months is to give you what you want.

  • You want to get it Done.
  • You want to get it Done, Right.
  • You want to get it Done, Right, Now!

My name is Tony Sherman, and I'm The Implementation Rabbi. I help professional services teams and small businesses to get more done with less. You've already met Rick who helps you make room for clarity. One of the keys to clarity is to drive out a solid definition of DONE. Not your personal definition of done but the customers’. The “DONE” that drives the highest value. The problem with done is, in most of our lives the old adage holds true “it takes 90% of the time to get 90% of the job done, and the other 90% of the time to get the rest of the 10% of the job done”.

Once you've got DONE defined and under control, we need to make sure that we’re doing it right for everybody. Everybody understands the same goal and is working at their highest and best selves. Over the next few months, I'll introduce some of the basic tenets of agile methodologies. These will help you and your teams to communicate quickly and clearly. These are simple and powerful communication techniques, and along with a no fail innovation approach that makes sure that when you hit challenges, as you always will in high-value work, you, your team, and your client can work to rapid breakthroughs.

The “NOW”, in “Done.Right.Now!” is a powerful set of team tools most of which are free. These tools help small businesses to accelerate the collaboration and to drive very quickly to delivering high-value. And then using this high-value to leverage themselves to become their client’s trusted partner.

My name is Tony Sherman, The Implementation Rabbi at I'm excited as we start this journey of delivering high-value to customers, quickly, with no rework, and with highly energized teams.

See you next month.

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