Thursday, October 30, 2014

Preparing for the Dream!

As I write these blogs, I am sharing what I have seen throughout my life, to be the five steps needed to make each of your dreams come true. Again and again I have seen these steps lived out through my patients, my students, and my audiences. Before you begin the walk however you need to realize you can’t get complacent. You have many dreams, not just one. Each dream builds on the past calling you to become more and more of who you are meant to be.

The most important attitude to begin with is the joy and delight (even if there is fear) at being willing to live out of the box, to take risks, and to jump off more than one bridge. It makes it fun and an adventure and to me that is what life is about.

Dreams do not come from your head; they come solely from your heart and your soul. Your head is the support system that allows you to understand the steps needed to make your heart and soul’s dream come true so find your dream but then magnify it. Dream bigger than you first imagined since if it is your purpose you are supported in more ways than you realize. Remember this comes from your heart and your soul. It is defining you.

With all this, the greatest cost, as I have seen repeatedly, is rarely financial, the greatest cost in following your dreams is the willingness to change your sense of self. You will never see the world the same, you will never see your life the same, and most importantly, you will never see you the same. It is a huge cost yet in truth the greatest gift!!!   The end result is a life of passion, aliveness, and a clear understanding of your purpose. 

Dorothy A. MartinNeville, PhD, is a motivational speaker, author, coach, and psychotherapist who's career has been spent, with humor and faith, calling others to avoid self-sabotage, claim their dreams, find their purpose, and become everything they are meant to be. 

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