Thursday, October 23, 2014

Activating The Power Of Strategic Business Planning

Activating The Power Of Strategic Business Planning
by Rick Forgay,  Founder and CEO, Business Leadership Mastery, LLC.

Why in the world would any Business Owner consider building a company without a Strategic Business Plan necessary to achieve goals, acquire talent, amaze customers, increase revenues   and navigate economies?

When considering the many Corporations and Small Businesses I’ve worked with over decades, only an estimated 3% are dedicated to consistently investing the time, effort, guidance and collaborative communications vital to creating, measuring and monitoring their Strategic Business Plans to insure adherence to their short and long term mission. Only 1% rally empowering company-wide cultures and unifying teamwork in alignment with their Strategic Business Plan and set higher standards for their industry.

Deciding to establish a clearly understood Strategic Business Plan is a sound barometer in identifying the level of disciplined commitment of any chief executive or entrepreneurial leader.          Such a plan should be well defined, yet flexible enough to withstand any economic conditions, marketplace challenges and even natural disasters. I have been asked to help several companies for the very reason that the plan they formerly believed could withstand any adverse situation, failed in actual execution during times of crisis. When a Strategic Business Plan is developed, shared and applied correctly, profits multiply and the empowering culture embraces continuous improvement.

“Excuse-Free”  Leadership

No one I know ever built a home without clearly mapped out blue print with attention to every single detail, including specific timelines, goals, team accountability and budget expectations. We plan for vacations, analyze our favorite sports team’s game plan, create flight plans and plan for major life events. So how can any responsible leader justify starting, building or expanding any company without a Strategic Business Plan?

The two most common excuses I get from leaders invited to join the BLM Academy for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners is, “I’m too busy to have time to plan” or “Something always has to happen first before I plan.” Unfortunately, they have decided to take a fire, ready, aim approach to business leadership. Among the 97% who make excuses in place of proper planning rarely if ever establish performance standards for their company, nor do they dare to compare their company against other industry standards of excellence. Sustainably successful companies, organizations, institutions, highly accountable leaders and teams are “Excuse-Free” when             Strategic Business Plans that are clearly defined, shared, applied and modified.

Engaging The Power Of Planning

I am emphatic about the value of Strategic Business Planning and Implementation because experiencing the power in clarity of direction and unifying teamwork results in multiplying profits, attracting desired talent and consistently amazing your customers. Everyone wants to be on a winning team. So the next time your favorite team wins big or you experience a symphony perform in perfect precision with every note, take heart they are aligned with a leader who knows the power of planning.

If you’re ready to create your own Strategic Business Plan to achieve your highest goals and ideals, BLM can help.  Please feel free to contact Rick at 413-262-4906 or
Rick Forgay
Founder & CEO
Business Leadership Mastery, LLC.

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