Friday, October 10, 2014

Employee Ideas…Creativity…Innovation…Growth!

“Making your company a great place to work by teaching your employees to leverage their great ideas and to execute them well!”

Page A. Thibault, MBA
The question begs – Why don’t people just do what brings about results?  After all, they understand the importance of being effective. Your company may suffer from low morale and disengagement and your employees may shrink from high visibility roles for fear of reprimand.   In addition, your employees may be cynical and not take risks to bring forth their knowledge and valuable ideas.  In future blogs, you will discover how to best create an environment that is conducive to driving creativity, knowledge sharing and innovation through your company’s best asset – its employees!

I customize employee idea systems that are unique to the DNA of your organization.  This simple, yet powerful process captures your employees’ most beneficial ideas, while dramatically reducing the number of ideas in the management pipeline – making employee idea generation a manageable process.

Employee Idea Management System - a simple, powerful system that allows the free flow and exchange of ideas throughout your company; customized to your unique culture and how your employees work on a day to day basis.

A ‘personal touch’ is essential to building trust between all layers of your organization from management to the front-lines. My conversational and hands on approach focuses all employees on the right results and allows employees to practice new techniques in a safe and non-judgmental environment to maximize learning.  I teach managers and employees how to work together to achieve results with mutually beneficial input and clear expectations of the idea management process, complete with a feedback loop that results in maximum buy-in from your employees.

Idea Share of the Month!

An idea system should integrate into the fabric of how your employees already work.  If the system is too complex for your employees to understand or too time-consuming – they won’t use it.  When an employee idea system integrates into how your employees already work, they are more likely to buy into and accept the change.  

To sign up for Page’s Idea Share Tip of the Week! Please visit Frame of Mind Consulting.

1 comment:

  1. Good point! Any changes that we make in the workplace need to be simple and fit the mission of the organization.


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