Thursday, March 5, 2015

"But I'm not that interesting"

"But I'm not that interesting" she said. "How can I wow them when I'm not exciting like some people are?"

I've heard this sentiment from three different people recently. They are working on presentation projects and trying to be exciting and dramatic, full of artistic flair and creative thinking. I'm all for exciting, artistic, and creative, but only if that's who you actually are. If it stretches you too far then you won't sound like you, you'll be looking at your notes constantly, and your nerves will go into overdrive.

It's the real you that connects, speaks from the heart, and knows your stuff so you deliver with confidence. If you're not "keepin' it real," then what's the point?

I'd rather have the REAL YOU in front of the room than the you trying to be something you think you're supposed to be. 

Jenny Drescher is a Choice Coach and Improvisational Facilitator who helps individuals break patterns, overcome fear, lighten up, and achieve outcomes. Visit her at


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