Between work and family life, many of us are overstressed
with too many commitments, tasks and projects. We feel bad when we can’t get it
all done in a certain timeframe. We say, “I didn’t have enough time.”
What if you could feel good everyday, without worrying about
that task that constantly distracts you from gaining momentum? What if you
could better manage your time and get those important things done before they
become ugly and urgent. Wouldn’t it be nice to unload the weight of that
stressful feeling?
You can, with this simple trick.
Every evening before you go to bed, write down the 3 things
that need to get done tomorrow. Rank
them in order, with 1 being the most important, then 2 and 3. When you first
begin this practice, you’ll find you are working on urgent and important tasks
that need to be done now and throughout the current week. Once you move into
week two and three, you’ll start noticing you are working on tasks that are not
urgent, but are still very important. These tasks may not be due until a week
or two from now, thus elevating that stressful feeling of constantly being
under a deadline. When you reach this level of efficiency, you will start
experiencing “flow”, and you will begin to master your time.
In his book, “Eat That Frog”, Brain Tracy talks about
getting that one thing done first thing in the morning, so the rest of the day
you feel alive and productive. The book has many tips and strategies to tackle
procrastination, so we could all better manage our time and get the most
important things done first. He states, “It has been said for many years that
if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go
through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that is probably the worst
thing that is going to happen to you all day long.”
What if you need to eat two frogs? Eat the ugliest one
Rick’s newly released book “Make Room for Clarity” is a step by step
guide to getting rid of the clutter that gets in your way. Available on Amazon. Listen
to Rick's free weekly iTunes &
Stitcher podcast "Make Room For Clarity", which focuses on
interviewing business & health experts by visiting
Inquire about Rick's professional organizing business, "The Functional
Organizer, LLC.", which focuses on decluttering, organizing, paper filing
and time management by visiting
Great article, Rick! We could all use some help on better using our time!