Sunday, December 21, 2014

Stretching Your Comfort Zone to Become a More Powerful Presenter & Speaker

If you’re not stretching your comfort zone, you’re not growing.

If you are not growing, you’re dying.

What is an area you need to grow in in 2015?

Last month my comfort zone stretched tremendously as I delivered a keynote address in front of 800 people on a topic I've never spoken about before. I nailed it!  The testimonials from audience members, and their actual takeaways and learnings were exactly what I was hoping for when I created the keynote.

skip weisman, professional speaker, delivering a keynote address on leadership communication to an audience of over 800

But, what was even better was that I played the guitar, and sang a song in public, at the end of it. Something I've never, ever done!

Even though I messed up the song, no one cared and I had fun with it.
Skip Weisman, professional speaker debuts on guitar at end of recent keynote address in Calgary, Alberta in front of an audience of over 800.

My confidence is through the roof and I can't wait for 2015 to get back on stage to speak (and maybe even sing, again!)

When the meeting planner and her emcee host learned I had been taking guitar lessons for about five years, they asked if I'd play something after my keynote address.

Since this was a huge comfort zone buster for me, I immediately said, "NO!"

Then, I figured, "what the hell," it won't kill me and may even be fun.

What things are you saying "no" to in your speaking that may make you even stronger?

Stop saying "no" to those comfort zone challenges in 2015 and step up to become a more confident presenter.

A great way to bust your comfort zone and to double or even triple your presentation skills next year is to go to and sign up for my 52 Power Presentation Tips, they're free and will come to you once a week for 52 weeks.

Skip Weisman is The Leadership & Workplace Communication Expert, and is a member of an elite group of international World Class Speaking Coaches. Skip works with the owners of companies with between 6-60 employees to transform workplace communication in 90-days and create a more positive, more productive and even more profitable company. Additionally, he coaches and trains business professionals and professional speakers to become a World Class Speaker and presenter that can inspire and motivate any type of audience.  You can learn more about Skip at and .


  1. Great job, Skip! You just inspired me to try something bigger!

  2. Daniel,
    That's awesome. I'm pleased I inspired you. Please share what that is and keep the conversation going!


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