Tuesday, July 7, 2015


The 4th of July Weekend is always special - summertime and celebrations... An excerpt from The Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". Mission accomplished? "Liberty" is what the 4th of July is normally associated with (freedom is mostly taken for granted) but what about "the pursuit of Happiness"? Is it an occasional or a conscious ongoing effort?

I write this month's blog on Sunday, July 5, from my hotel room in Germantown, WI (a suburb of Milwaukee, where I was born). 50+ of us converged for an awesome family reunion this weekend which featured a Brewery Tour followed by a Fish Fry on Friday and, on Saturday, an all day and night bash at my cousin's farm house featuring lots of food, etc. and family pictures were taken on their huge John Deere tractor which they parked on their back lawn. Having lived in Connecticut since 1963, I did not grow up with and still rarely see my cousins so it is always a very sweet occasion when we and our growing families get together for a reunion.

Family... There have  been several youngsters born since the last reunion (7 years ago) that I met for the first time and there are two more babies on the way! There was a wonderful memorial table with individual candles inscribed with the first names of my grandparents, aunts & uncles, and cousins that have passed on - they were surely with us in spirit. Reunions foster an atmosphere of love, support, celebrating accomplishments and being grateful as one for all these. Yes, you hear about challenges too, but they somehow don't seem so dominating when we are all together because, for one weekend we are, in effect, "Pursuing Happiness" together... Why not make the conscious pursuit of Happiness an ongoing effort? Remember, a "Positive Mindset" is the foundation for a happy, successful life and going there is our choice...

Brain Games: making "the pursuit of Happiness" a conscious ongoing effort:
If I was to ask you to make two lists, the first of which contains all of your life's accomplishments and everything you are grateful for (all of which are "real"), and the second of which contains your faults, fears and failures (all of which are "perceived"), you would most likely find the first list to be not only much longer and more powerful than the second, but also helpful in making you realize that the second list really is mostly your own internal battle (beating yourself up over things mostly outside of your control - look at what you have written on it). I suggest that when List #2 takes over your mind, read List #1 over and over...

TRY IT! List #1 is called both a Victory Log and a Gratitude Journal. These can and should be added to daily. List #2 probably doesn't change much and, by emphasizing List #1, many of these items can be crossed off by putting them into perspective versus the positives in your life. Here's to your ongoing "Pursuit of Happiness"!!!

JOIN ME - August 15 Event: "The POWER NETWORTHING EXPERIENCE TM" Professional Development and Relationships Building series continues with "Raising the Bar of Expectations"
Co-Facilitators and Presenters: Rick Forgay and Chip Janiszewski
Friday, August 14, 2015: 7:30-9:00 a.m.
Copper Beech Institute (Holy Family Retreat Ctr.) - 303 Tunxis Road - West Hartford, CT 06107
Cost: $15 (pre-register), $20 at the door - Refreshments will be served 
Table Top Exhibits Available: $45 (includes admission - supply is limited)
REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: http://NetWorthingExperience.com

Chip, the Happiness and Success GPS, is a speaker, trainer, facilitator, consultant and NETWORKING EXPERT. Everything I do is customized for the group or business I that am working with so let's brainstorm  - call me anytime at 860-673-4006 - coffee's on me!

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