Sunday, June 7, 2015


As we have discussed often, the Foundation for Happiness and Success is Choosing to live your life with a Positive Mindset. Realizing the wonderful person you are, the talents you have, and being grateful for these and all the wonderful people in and outside of your life go a long way towards maintaining a Positive Mindset. So does realizing that you are in control of YOU, and nobody else - which brings us to complaining...

Complaining (various forms of which are gossiping, criticizing, judging, etc.) is something pretty much everyone does automatically. One might feel relieved for a moment but when you really think about it, complaining only adds to frustration rather than eliminating it, because you control only you - complaining doesn't change others...

Imagine if the whole world STOPPED complaining? Might the world be a happier, more supportive and loving place? A few years ago, Pastor Will Bowen wrote a book entitled "A Complaint Free World". It is wonderful - in fact, I listen to the book on Audible a couple of times every year. The book talks about complaining as being a bad habit. It talks about Pastor Will's and others' real life experiences,  explains the reality that we are 100% responsible for our reactions, and gives us a 21 day process, which millions have used already, to stop complaining. To me, this process can also be used to eliminate most bad habits, period. It uses a prop and a challenge. The prop is a purple wrist bracelet that you move from one wrist to the other every time you complain. The Challenge is to go 21 straight days without switching wrists - without complaining (you start the challenge over every time you do). It is simple (to teach). I won't go into detail here - go to for more information and to order the book (it is a great read) and bracelets.

TRY IT! Take the 21 day Complaint Free World Challenge with a few others and watch your lives change...

JOIN ME - June 23 Event: "The POWER NETWORTHING EXPERIENCE TMProfessional Development and Relationships Building series continues with "Everything Matters"
Co-Facilitators and Presenters: Rick Forgay and Chip Janiszewski
Tuesday, June 23, 2015: 7:30-9:00 a.m.
Copper Beech Institute (Holy Family Retreat Ctr.) - 303 Tunxis Road - West Hartford, CT 06107
Cost: $15 (pre-register), $20 at the door - Refreshments will be served
Table Top Exhibits Available: $45 (includes admission - supply is limited)

Chip, the Happiness and Success GPS, is a speaker, trainer, facilitator, consultant and NETWORKING EXPERT. Everything I do is customized for the group or business I that am working with so let's brainstorm  - call me anytime at 860-673-4006 - coffee's on me!

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