Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How We Can Do More with Less

Recently, I was asked to watch a Ted Talk from Yves Morieux titled, “How Too Many Rules At Work Keep You From Getting Things Done”. In this talk, Morieux shows us how cooperation from a team can create superior results. The example he uses is a women’s international relay running race made up of the world’s top runners. Based on statistics, the U.S. women’s team is predicted to finish first, while the French women’s team is predicted to finish 2nd. The result is an upset. The French team out runs the U.S. team regardless of the stated metrics, whose historic data predicted other results.

How did they do it?

The first element, which allowed the French to win, was clarity. The team was clear on what it needed to focus on to pull off the upset. They raced their best race by focusing on their goal and breaking down the race into achievable segments. The handing off of the baton was the most important part of the race. This was done successfully through powerful vocal cues, facial intensity, and an accurate hand off in stride at the correct angle.

The second element was measurement. How fast did each runner need to pump their arms? How long of a stride did they need to take to exert the least energy, while performing at optimal efficiency? At what point was the baton hand-off the most effective? And at what position did the retrieving runner need to be at while the baton hand-off was taking place?

The third element was accountability. Each runner on the French team was accountable for the next runner. No one person was slacking, which allowed the team to be “on” their A-game.

Morieux goes on to say that Cooperation is the main component behind these three elements. In other words, with cooperation we can do less while doing more. To achieve the ultimate cooperation we need to be proficient in clarity, measurement, and accountability.

What can you do to increase the efficiency of your business?

I'll be speaking on the subject of "Clarity" on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 6:30pm at Canton Public Library in Canton, CT. This free talk will harness you with the motivation to Make Room for Clarity in your home and life.

As a Professional Organizer, Speaker, Author, TV Personality, and Podcast Producer & Host, Rick Woods helps residents and businesses make room for clarity, by getting rid of the clutter that gets in their way. 
Rick’s book “Make Room for Clarity” is a step by step guide to getting rid of the clutter that gets in your way. Available on Amazon. Listen to Rick's free weekly iTunes & Stitcher podcast "Make Room For Clarity", which focuses on interviewing business & health experts by visiting www.MakeRoomForClarity.com Inquire about Rick's professional organizing business, "The Functional Organizer, LLC.", which focuses on decluttering, organizing, paper filing and time management by visiting www.TheFunctionalOrganizer.com 


  1. Breaking a process down into small, achievable steps--these are words of wisdom. Lots to think about here.

  2. clarity in what to do next. Great post Rick and an interesting Ted talk.


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