Monday, February 1, 2016

How A Website Should Be Designed To Get Clients

Is your website just a brochure or is it your top performing sales person? Does it have sales muscle or is it just a wimp who gets sand kicked in his face at the beach?

If yours is like most websites it's a pretty face at best. Most websites just don’t do what they should do.

Here’s what your website should be doing for you:

1: Get you found

Think through your search strategy. Don’t know anything about SEO? Then just think like your prospect. 

What are they going to ask Google that you should be found for? These questions can become endless content ideas.

2: Grab and keep your visitor’s attention

Great headlines are what compel people to have a look. Do your headlines fall short?

Are you speaking to the emotions of your website visitor? Are you getting inside their head and persuading them to want more?

Have a careful look at what you say within your website. Learning how to write powerful headlines and use emotions and persuasion can change everything. 

Your page names and blog titles are all great opportunities for creating riveting headlines. And then make sure they… 

3: Take them through the right sales funnel

Are you trying to capture everyone’s attention and let them figure out what to do next? Or do you target that perfect customer and take him or her where you want them to go and then TELL them what to do next?

Think about exactly who you want as a customer. Then make sure your website does everything it can to make it super easy for them to travel down the right path to becoming a customer or client.

4: Turn them into customers

This one sounds obvious, but it isn’t. It always amazes me how many websites don’t do anything to turn visitors into customers.

It begins with making offers. Make them an offer they cannot refuse and then tell them what to do to get started. 

You have to approach this from a sales perspective. If you are not comfortable or don’t know how to create offers that sell, it is one of the most important things you can ever do. Force yourself to do it.

How you can create offers that compel and sell

When I write websites for myself or clients, or for any marketing material I might create, I follow a simple 21 step formula. This starts with how you grab attention through strong headlines. It tells me where to talk about problems, solutions, calls to actions and all the other elements that must go into sales writing. 

It is a blueprint that I use in every possible communication to make sure I am creating presentations that compel and persuade people to action. I recommend you learn about this too.

I have a free training webinar you can join here. Click here to register for the next live one or to get the recording if the event is over.  


  1. Mike, I loved this read. Yes, you are very compelling! I need to rewrite my website for sure. Thank you for sharing your brilliance!

    1. Thanks Lucinda. Very much appreciate your feedback.

  2. Good article Lucinda. Many of us could use a little help with our websites.

  3. Good reminders, Mike. Ones that I needed...


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