Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Living in the past is awesome ONLY when done with gratitude.

Living in the past is self-sabotage when done with blame, anger, disappointment, feelings of inferiority, failure, fear, jealousy - you get the drift (PUN INTENDED)...

Wayne Dyer, who we lost last summer, used the analogy in his presentations and writings of being on a boat. Picture yourself looking off the back into the water at the wake.  In his words, three questions come to mind:

"First, you ask yourself, What is the wake? The answer is that the wake is nothing more than the trail left behind.

The second question is, What is driving the ship? The answer is that the Present Moment Energy that you are generating through the engine is driving the ship.

Finally, you ask yourself the most important question: Is it possible for the wake to drive the ship? The answer is NO, of course, for the wake is just a trail that is left behind. It can never drive the boat!"

He prompts you to imagine that the boat is your life, and the wake is all the things that have happened in the past. Is it dominated by blame, anger, disappointment, feelings of inferiority, failure, fear, jealousy, and such? He then states that "most people live with the illusion that their wakes are “driving” their lives—which is absolutely impossible. In order to nourish your soul, you must be able to “get out of the wake.”

Putting things in perspective, you can't change your negative past so let the control you let it have on you drift away... The Present Moment is the only thing you have control of - you own your actions AND reactions...

Your Present Moment Energy (positive or negative - it's always your choice) fuels the engine that drives your boat. Leave the "wake" behind and fuel your boat with Gratitude and Positive Energy... Enjoy the Ride!!

June 23: 7:30 - 9:30 AM: Join Eric Lopkin and myself for the "SUCCESS SHOWCASE": Professional & Personal Development - Networking Fun - Interactive Exercises!
A big crowd is expected. Click HERE for more information and to register. Click HERE for a flyer. CLICK HERE for a SHORT VIDEO PROMOTION of OUR EVENT


Chip, the Happiness and Success GPS, is a speaker, trainer, facilitator, consultant and NETWORKING EXPERT. Everything I do is customized for the group or business I that am working with so let's brainstorm - call me anytime at 860-673-4006 - coffee's on me!

1 comment:

  1. Good article, Chip. I say to always appreciate the past and remember where you came from, but always be looking forward because your best days are still in front of you.


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