Friday, January 8, 2016

A Funny Thing Happened On Instatgram The Other Day

I have a confession to make. I am not a heavy Instagram user. A friend suggested to me that I start building my audience. I am working on that the way I have built all of my other social media, one connection at a time. Because of that, I do not have many followers. That often leads to me having even fewer people like an comments on my posts. And then the darnedest thing happened, I shared the picture you see above and it was an immediate hit! I had over 130 likes in one hour, for someone with less than 20 followers, that says something.

I have read many articles on effective online marketing or "social selling" and I have seen a common trend to use pictures. And there is a cheat, that if you use pictures of adorable animals (like puppies or kittens) or cute kids, they usually perform better. I chose this picture to convey my message, for that very reason.


Every social media platform relies on keywords to engage your audience and several use Hashtags to optimize your post and attract a larger audience. Think of the words your audience might search for articles. Begin to weave them into your writing. Do not force a word. It is best to keep your word choice to a 5th or 6th grade reading level.

Do you have other tips? What ideas can you share here? Would you like to learn more? Check out you can also email me, and I am happy to speak with you and discuss your insights 443-808-1670


  1. Good info. Mike. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Just as we have moved toward more casual dress in business, so we as a society seem to be trending toward less professional photographic representation. Kittens and puppies, rather than tight white collars. Emotionally appealing.


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