Sunday, August 7, 2016


For the last couple of years, I have branded myself the "Happiness and Success GPS". True Success cannot be achieved without Happiness preceding it... The components for "Happiness and Success" are the 4 "Ps": Purpose - Passion - Positivity and a Plan. Of the 4 "Ps", Positivity is the foundation for the other 3 because Mindset (positive or negative) is a choice and one cannot achieve Happiness with a negative Mindset.

The outside world of expectations, opinions, judgments, comparisons, complaining, media coverage, etc.,  is primarily negative. We have NO CONTROL over this perceived negative world, yet many live day to day CHOOSING to let their lives be run by it anyway... The reality is that we own our reactions and that is all we control. Positivity is the OPPOSITE CHOICE to negativity and can overpower it. Notice that I said "overpower"... While negativity never goes away, it is no match for the power of Positivity. Here's a way to prove it to yourself:

Chip's Positivity Challenge: Build a Positive Mindset and maintain it for a month... Here's the process:
1.      Write a Victory Log: this is ALL the great things that have happened to you in your life: relationships, accomplishments, awards, recognition, experiences, talents - you get the drift. This WILL be a long list. Read it over and over again - celebrate and be unconditionally grateful for the unique and magnificent you! Yes, we all have faults, but we self-sabotage ourselves by constantly thinking about them - our minds are our own worst enemies...
2.       Start a Gratitude Journal: every day, write down a thing or three that you are grateful for and pause to FEEL the gratitude.
3.      Write a Negativity List: this is everything that you think is wrong with you, others and the world.
4.      For the  next 30 days, ADD TO ALL THREE... I guarantee that you will find it easy and personally fulfilling to add to your Victory Log and Gratitude Journal. I'm also quite positive that when you look at your Negativity List, you will begin to realize that most of what is there, instead of being reality (which your Victory Log and Gratitude Journal absolutely are), is a list thoughts and misconceptions that are only real because you let them be. Instead of adding to that list, you will likely find yourself crossing items off and feeling good about doing so. Doing these daily exercises will put things into REALITY perspective: there is a whole lot of positivity in you, others, and our world (you are proving it every day through your journaling), and negativity exists mainly in our thoughts, which can be overpowered by positive ones.

Look in the Mirror and SMILE uncontrollably - there is someone AWESOME who you need to love, appreciate and celebrate smiling back - know that you are a unique and amazing gift to the world. Take the Positivity Challenge and encourage others to do so. Change your perspective - help others do so - and watch your world shine...

Chip, the Happiness and Success GPS, is a speaker, trainer, facilitator, consultant and NETWORKING EXPERT. Everything I do is customized for the group or business I that am working with so let's brainstorm - call me anytime at 860-673-4006 - coffee's on me!

Wednesday, August 24, 7:30 - 9:00 AM: Join me at Atria Hamilton Heights - West Hartford  for the "IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU", a Personal & Professional Development Presentation that also includes Networking Fun!

Click HERE for more information and to register.

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